Our office hours are form 08h00 - 17h00 Monday to Friday ( We do Saturday training on request for groups bookings )
1 St Floor, Town Centre,
Wellington Road, Durbanville.
Tel: 076 2378 738
Fax: 086 505 3223
076 237 8738
076 237 8738
Directions to Durbanville Conference Centre from the N1:
From Cape Town on N1 to Paarl.
Turn off left from High Way at Exit 23, and left into R302 Durbanville.
From Paarl on N1 Cape Town
Turn off left from High Way at Exit 23, and right into R302 Durbanville.
From here, you’re going to cross 13 Robots and travel App 7km, till you get to “Dbnv Conf Ctr.”
Mispel Rd. Cape Town Lodge at left.
Bloemhof Rd. Tyger Park on left.
Bill Bezuidenhoud Rd Offices and Tygervalley Centre on left.
Old Oak Rd. Smart Car Investments in front on the right, Passing Engen Garage on left.
Pasita str. Forsdicks BMW on Right
Door de Kraal Rd. High street Shopping Centre on Right
Kendal Rd. Bueno Vista Office Park on Right
Eversdal Rd. Fairmont High Shool on left, passing Rose Garden in front
Vygeboom Rd. New Exclusive Development on Right.
Tindale Str Passed Garage on left.
De Villiers Rd You have now travelled 5km.
Vd Bijl Str Durbanville Primary School on left.
Church Str. Left in front: Palm Grove Shopping Centre with Total Garage, Mugg & Bean, Woolworths etc.
Turn Right into Wellington Road.;
At the next Robot, (Std Bk and Spiro’s HW on left,) Turn Right into Wellington Rd. (To the left is Vrede str.)
Pass the first Robot, Oxford str, ABSA Bank is on the left.
Pass the Shell Garage, and Capitec Bank and Bella Balotta Restaurant on the left
Next to Capitec Bank Building is a pebbled stone building.
The first Double door on the left, above is a Light box, is the Main Entrance to Dbnv Conf. Ctr.
For Appointments:
Park in front of building for 1 Hour.
For Full Day Parking:
Pass Capitec Bank and immediately turn left between Capitec Bank Building and Pebbled Stone Building.
Drive to the back of the building, turn right and park close to the first door on the Right.
See Sign: “DCC Back Entrance”
Access the building from here.